- Amount of the aid granted: 179 739 EUR
- Investment cost: 179 739 EUR
- Area: Municipal development
TOP-5.3.1-16-BA2-2017-00003 Strengthening local identity and cohesion in the region of Drávafok
HUHR/1601/2.1.3/0008 Cross-border touristic routes of honey and bees
- Amount of the aid granted: 214 242 EUR
- Investment cost: 252 050 EUR
- Area: International projects
HUHR/1601/2.1.1/0008 Bicycle PATH that connects Mailath castle and Siklos fortress
- Amount of the aid granted: 855 554 EUR
- Investment cost: 952 185 EUR
- Area: International projects
HUHR/1601/3.1.1/0023 Thematic cooperation to make a joint method for more efficient use of local products
- Amount of the aid granted: 236 823 EUR
- Investment cost: 263 324 EUR
- Area: International projects
EFOP-1.5.3-16-2017-00063 Development of human capacities in Dombóvár District
- Amount of the aid granted: 816 576 EUR
- Investment cost: 816 576 EUR
- Area: Development of Human Services
HUHR/1101/1.2.3/0021 Creating thematic routes based on built cultural heritage
- Amount of the aid granted: 176 056 EUR
- Investment cost: 194 189 EUR
- Area: International projects
Munkahelymegőrzés támogatása Support for job preservation
- Amount of the aid granted: 183 400 EUR
- Investment cost: 183 400 EUR
- Area: Economic development
DDOP-3.1.2-12-2012-0003 Infrastructure development of Harkány Kindergarten
- Amount of the aid granted: 247 600 EUR
- Investment cost: 247 600 EUR
- Area: Education
DDOP-2.1.1/H-12-2012-0005 Establishment of Acupuncture and Natural Health Center in Harkány
- Amount of the aid granted: 480 400 EUR
- Investment cost: 686 300 EUR
- Area: Tourism
DDOP-2.1.1/A.B-12-2012-0027 Garay ÉlményPince
- Amount of the aid granted: 646 500 EUR
- Investment cost: 653 600 EUR
- Area: Tourism