- Amount of the aid granted: 2 941 200 EUR
- Investment cost: 8 393 250 EUR
- Area: Municipal development
KMOP-2007-5.2.2/B Function extension of MOM - Gesztenyéskert Cultural, Sports and Leisure District
DDOP-2009-2.1.1/D Modernization of József Attila Memorial Museum in Balatonszárszó
- Amount of the aid granted: 159 750 EUR
- Investment cost: 196 500 EUR
- Area: Municipal development
DDOP-4.1.1/D-09-2f-2009-0007 Renovation of the Cultural Center in Dombóvár
- Amount of the aid granted: 1 926 800 EUR
- Investment cost: 2 574 700 EUR
- Area: Municipal development
ÁROP-1.A.5-2013-2013-0025 Development of human capacities in Szigetvár District
- Amount of the aid granted: 815 992 EUR
- Investment cost: 815 992 EUR
- Area: Municipal development
TOP-1.2.1-16-TL1-2017-00001 Development of an aquatic tourist service centre and the associated cycle path along Channel Sió
- Amount of the aid granted: 980 392 EUR
- Investment cost: 980 392 EUR
- Area: Municipal development
TOP-5.3.1-16-BA2-2017-00003 Strengthening local identity and cohesion in the region of Drávafok
- Amount of the aid granted: 179 739 EUR
- Investment cost: 179 739 EUR
- Area: Municipal development
DDOP-5.1.2/B-09-2009-0004 Increasing the service level of Tüke Bus Plc.
- Amount of the aid granted: 1 695 600 EUR
- Investment cost: 1 927 300 EUR
- Area: Municipal development
EFOP-1.6.3-17-2017-00007 Supporting co-operations in the catch-up policy in connection with local equal opportunity programs in Baranya County
- Amount of the aid granted: 245 098 EUR
- Investment cost: 245 098 EUR
- Area: Municipal development